Resourcing Parents/Carers To Support Children Affected by Domestic Abuse

This programme has been put together by clinical and trauma informed experts to ensure that parents and carers, children and young people affected by domestic abuse are able to access early trauma informed help.

Each session has been carefully crafted so that parents and carers can learn about how their body and brain works together when they are feeling safe and unsafe. They can use the strategies to help themselves and the children and young people they care for. This is a calm and simple way of learning to regulate, start to heal and enjoy life with their children again. 


The programme, delivered remotely by our Healing Together Facilitator, it is suitable for parents and carers and can be delivered on a 1:1 or group basis. Please note Innovating Minds will make the assessment regarding whether 1:1 or group sessions are appropriate. 

Parents/carers will be offered a initial assessment session so they can find out more and book their sessions. The programme is 6 sessions, each session is 60 minutes.  

Please note: The programme does not ask anyone to talk about their experiences of domestic abuse and there is no reference to domestic abuse in the video animations or worksheets. This is a pure trauma informed programme.


How can I refer someone to the programme?

1. Check the criteria below for the referral

          ✅ A referral can only be accepted for the safe parent/care giver

          ✅ The parent/carer must have a device suitable for using Zoom, and have internet access.

          ✅ Parents/carers must be safe during their attendance to the programme.
          ✅ Parent/carer must be committed to attend the six 60 minute sessions, delivered weekly.
Please note:
The programme helps parents/carers to feel and be more emotionally regulated. The abusive adult may pick up on these changes and therefore this may put the safe parent/carer at risk.
2. Provide the Parent/Carer with information about the Programme and seek their consent for you to make the referral on their behalf. 
          ✅  Share this information video with Kinship Carers
3. Complete the referral form below
You can not save the referral form once you have started due to data protection. Please ensure you have the parent/carers details to hand (i.e. name, address, contact details, safeguarding/risk concerns). 
If you have any further questions about the programme or the referral process please contact our Healing Together Facilitator on or via phone on 07947 991209 

What happens after I have completed the referral?

Innovating Minds will arrange an assessment session with the parent/carer. If the programme is suitable they will be informed of the session times and dates. If we have any difficulties with attendance we will notify you. Please note we do not initiate contact with the parent/carer if they stop engaging for safety reasons. 

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